An artiste needs a team to navigate the complexities of the music industry and achieve success. With the right team in place, an artiste can focus on their creative endeavors and navigate the music industry with greater confidence and success.
Some of the key players in an Artiste’s career and the agreements to sign with each of them include:
- Manager: The artiste's manager acts as their strategic partner and guide. They handle day-to-day operations, career planning, securing gigs and tours, negotiating contracts, and overseeing the artiste's overall development. The Artiste should sign a Management agreement with his Manager.
- Lawyer: An entertainment lawyer is crucial to protect the artiste's legal rights. They review contracts, negotiate deals, ensure copyright protection, and advise on intellectual property matters. The transaction between an Artiste and an Entertainment lawyer could be one-off or long-term (Retainership agreement).
- Publicist/Social media manager: A publicist manages the artiste's public image and generates media attention through press releases, interviews, and social media strategies. A Hired Service agreement can be entered between the Artiste and the Publicist.
- A&R Representative (Artist & Repertoire): This industry professional helps identify songwriters, producers, and collaborators who can contribute to the artiste's musical development. A Hired Service agreement can be entered between the Artiste and the A&R representative.
It must be noted that the size and composition of an artiste's team will depend on their career stage and budget. Starting artists might rely on a manager who handles multiple clients. As an artiste's career progresses, they can expand their team to include additional specialists.
How Artistes build their team:
Artistes can build their team by networking within the industry. This is achievable through attending industry events, connect with other artistes and professionals, and build relationships. Look for experienced professionals with a good reputation and a track record of success in the genre you work in. Doing these would attract personalities who understand an Artiste’s vision and are passionate about the music. Artistes must also ensure that agreements clearly outline responsibilities, fees, and terms of termination.